What the heck is an artichoke and how in the world do I eat one?!  My recipe for artichokes and their curry dip came from my Mother-In-Law and I haven’t changed a single thing! Trust me, it’s DELICIOUS.

This is how my mother-in-law, Barbara, prepared artichokes.  She made me my first artichoke!  I had no idea what to do with it and they had to show me how to eat one.  Ever since, I’ve been in love with them and the curry mayo dip.  I have been making these for family and friends for years and my kids love them!  This is also a great low carb appetizer or side.


  • 4 Artichokes

  • 1 tablespoon whole peppercorns

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

Curry Dip

  • 1 cup mayonnaise

  • 2 tablespoons curry powder

Artichoke Prep

  1. Cut the stem off leaving about a half inch and remove any small leaves at the base.  

  2. Cut about 1 inch off the top of the artichoke. Then with scissors trim the tips off the artichoke leaves.  Then rinse under cold water opening up the artichoke leaves slightly to rinse well.  

Artichoke Cook

  1. Fill a 6 quart stock pot ⅔ full with water, add artichokes, peppercorns, olive oil and red wine vinegar.  Bring to a boil then simmer and cover for about 45 minutes to an hour. The cooking time will depend on how big the artichokes are.  When you can pull on an outer leaf with a fork without much effort, the artichokes are done. 

  2. Remove the artichokes from the pot and place them in a strainer with the artichokes stem side up to drain.  

  3. Once cool enough to handle, serve in a bowl and give each person their own dipping sauce in a ramekin.

Curry Dip Prep

  1. Mix mayonnaise and curry powder until blended well.  

  2. Leave in the refrigerator for at least one hour for the spice to blend in with the mayo.

How to Eat It

  1. Only certain parts of the artichoke are edible. At the base of each leaf there is a little bit of artichoke meat which can be eaten.  Start at the bottom of the artichoke and pull off a leaf and dip it into the curry mayo, then bite down on the leaf with the inside of the leaf facing down and pull it out, scraping the artichoke meat with your teeth. As you continue the leaves will become more tender and will have more artichoke meat to eat.

  2. When you reach the ‘choke’ which is also known as the fuzzy part, it is not edible, scrape it off with a butter knife or spoon and discard.  You will be left with the heart that is edible and super delicious.  Cut it up with a knife and fork or just dip it. The stem is also edible and yummy, just peel the outer layer off and enjoy that along with the heart.



