Creme Brûlée   

Serves 8


  • 4 c Heavy Cream

  • ⅔ c Sugar

  • 2 Vanilla Beans, cut lengthwise and scrape seeds into saucepan (save the vanilla bean pods for use at another time)*

  • 12 Egg yolks, room temperature

  • ⅛ Tsp Salt

  • 8 Ramekins (7 ounce)

  • 4 c Boiling Water

  • 8 Tsp + Sugar

*If you do not have vanilla beans handy, you can substitute with 2 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 300°F

  1. In a medium saucepan, add 3 cups heavy cream, sugar, vanilla bean seeds and salt.  Bring to a slight boil then turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let it steep for about 20 minutes.  

  2. Once the 20 minutes is done add 1 cup heavy cream to help cool down the mixture.

  3. In a 2 cup bowl, add the egg yolks and mix.  Temper the yolks by adding 1 cup of the cream mixture slowly and stirring constantly.  

  4. Then add the egg mixture back into the saucepan and mix well.  

  5. Strain the creme mixture through a fine-mesh strainer.   

  6. In a large roasting pan line with a tea towel and place the ramekins on top.

  7. Fill them with the creme mixture to about ⅔ full. 

  8. Add the boiling water around the ramekins to about halfway up the sides, being careful not to get any into the cups.  

TIP: I recommend having the roasting pan with the ramekins already on the oven rack when you pour the boiling water in.  

  1. Bake for 30 minutes. The custard should jiggle from side to side when nudged. It will be barely set and the custard will continue to firm up afterward. 

  2. Transfer the ramekins to a wire rack to cool for 2-3 hours.  Then cover each with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (can make 2-3 days ahead of time).

  3. When ready to serve, sprinkle each with 1 teaspoon of sugar and swirl the sugar around evenly so all of the custard is covered.  

  4. Use a torch to caramelize sugar.  Keep moving the torch from side to side to get even caramelization.  

  5. Serve with fresh berries and a sprig of mint as garnish.




